TeamCity 3.0 Help

Create Edit Build Configuration

Administration > Create build configuration

Administration > <project> > Create build configuration

Projects > <build configuration name> > Edit Configuration Settings

Common Controls

Administration> project name > build configuration name

View the name of the project, and the name of the build configuration.

Run button

Click the Run button to start a build on the next available agent.

Run button list

Click the drop-down arrow on the right side of the Run button to view a drop-down list of compatible Build Agents. Use this list to select a specific agent to run the build.

Build Configuration Home

Click this link to open the Build Configuration Home Page.


Create a clone of this configuration.


Delete this configuration and all related information.


Save changes

Build Configuration Steps

You can navigate to and edit any part of the project by using the following buttons which appear on the right side of the build configuration pages.



General Settings

Click this button to define general settings of the build configuration on the 1.General Settings page.

VCS Settings

Click this button to edit, add or detach VCS roots and Configuring VCS Settings on the VCS settings page.

Runner: <Build Runner>

Click this button to define the build runner settings on the 3.Build Runners page. Contents of the page depends on the selected build runner.

Build Triggering

Click this button to configure the build triggering options on the 4.Build Triggering page.

Artifact Dependencies

Click this button to configure dependencies on the 5.Artifact Dependencies page.

Properties and Environment variables

Click this button to view existing build configuration system properties and environment variables, and define new ones on the 6.Properties and environment variables page.

Agent requirements

Click this button to view and manage requirements to the agents, and see the list of agents that meet or do not meet these requirements on the 7.Agent Requirements page.

Last modified: 20 April 2023