TeamCity 3.0 Help


Role is a set of Permission granted to a particular user. Roles are assigned per-project. A user can have a role in a specific project or in all available projects, or no role at all. Depending on your TeamCity edition, different roles are available. You can associate a user with a set of roles, using the Assign Roles dialog. This section describes:

TeamCity Enterprise User Roles



System Administrator

TeamCity System Administrators have no restrictions in their permissions. They can create and manage users accounts, authorize build agents and set up projects and build configurations, edit the TeamCity server settings, manage TeamCity licenses, etc.

Project Administrator

Project Administrator is a person who can customize the general settings of a project, build configuration settings and assign roles to the project users.

Project Developer

Project Developer is a person who usually commits changes to a project. He can start/stop builds, reorder builds in the build queue, label the build sources, review agent details.

Agent Manager

Agent Manager is a person responsible for customizing and managing the Build Agent.

Project Viewer

A Project Viewer has only read-only access for the projects the role is assigned to. Additionally, Project Viewer role does not have permissions to view agent details.

TeamCity Professional User Roles




TeamCity Administrators have no limitations in their permissions. They have access to all the projects, create users accounts, manage server licenses and set up projects and build configurations.


Common users correspond to "Project Developer" for all projects in the Enterprise edition. Users cannot create and edit projects and build configurations.


Guest users do not need any registration to access TeamCity. This role suits well for a non-committer who just monitors the projects status on the Projects page. The number of users, logged in to TeamCity simultaneously as guests, is not limited. In particular, guests can view all projects and build configurations but cannot customize the view of the Projects page. Guest users cannot access the following features:

  • Starting new builds and stopping running builds.

  • Monitoring the status of code integration on My Changes page.

  • Configuring notification rules and receiving any notifications.

  • Reviewing Agent details

Last modified: 20 April 2023