TeamCity 4.0 Help


This page contains reference information about the NAnt Build Runner fields.



Build runner

Select NAnt from the drop-down list.

Path to a build file

Specify path relative to the Build Checkout Directory.

Build file content

Select the option, if you want to use a different build script than the one listed in the settings of the build file. When the option is enabled, you have to type the build script in the text area.


Specify the names of build targets defined by the build script, separated by spaces.

Working directory

Specify the path to the Build Working Directory. By default, the build working directory is set to the same path as the build checkout directory.

NAnt home

Enter a path to the NAnt.exe.

Target framework

Sets -targetframework: option to 'NAnt' and generates appropriate agent requirements (mono-2.0 target framework will require Mono system property, net-2.0DotNetFramework2.0 property, and so on). Selecting unsupported in TeamCity framework (sscli-1.0, netcf-1.0, netcf-2.0) won't impose any agent requirements.

Command line parameters

Specify any additional parameters for NAnt.exe

Reduce test failure feedback time

Use following option to instruct TeamCity to run some tests before others.

Run recently failed tests first

If checked, in the first place TeamCity will run tests failed in previous finished or running builds as well as tests having high failure rate (a so called blinking tests)

Last modified: 20 April 2023